I am going to let you in on a little secret. Kitchens are the Unicorn Frappuccino of remodeling. I know what you are thinking. The timing of this revelation seems suspicious, what with Starbucks limited time release of their own Unicorn Frappuccino drink. With its’ bold bright pink and blue mixture, it has been the joy and scourge of folks everywhere. Yet, the frenzy this sweet and sour flavor changing drink cut through society and social media the past 5 days has made for a refreshing, albeit sugary (make that very sugary) break from reality.
However, in terms of kitchen remodeling it is true. Kitchens are the Unicorn Frappuccino of remodeling projects. Any project can transform a house, but kitchen remodeling changes a home. Goodbye black coffee kitchen, hello Unicorn Frappuccino kitchen! Much like its’ multi-colored drink counterpart, the kitchen is a focal point, changing its’ flavor from cooking center to homework station to entertainment area and gathering place. And you want color? Today’s kitchens are full of color. Even as the popularity of white and gray continue to evolve, it is the splashes of color throughout the rest of the kitchen that give the space its’ own sugary pop…without all the added calories. A second cabinet finish, a splash of color in the countertop, a tile backsplash, even a specialty finish on appliances all add to creating the unique look and feel of your kitchen.
A new kitchen is much healthier too. Starbucks is open about the drinks main 9 ingredients, primarily made up of ice, milk, crème Frappuccino syrup, whipped cream, vanilla syrup, mango syrup, “blue drizzle” (essentially, white chocolate mocha sauce), “classic syrup,” sour blue powder, and pink powder. The recipe for your kitchen remodeling project? 9 key ingredients: cabinets, countertops, appliances, sink, faucet, tile backsplash, hardware, flooring and cabinet accessories. And the end result is something you can enjoy for a lot longer and with a lot less calories than that cotton-candy calorie bomb!
So, what sounds tastier to you? A short-lived rainbow of unnecessary calories? Or a kitchen remodeling project complete with a rainbow of product choices that create your own pot of gold in the form of a warm, inviting heart of the home that everyone can enjoy? Maybe we should discuss over a…