3 ways a kitchen island “works” for you and your kids

Kids. We love ‘em! But leave them unchecked and things can quickly escalate. We either don’t know what they are up to (probably on their phones, ugh). Or, we know exactly what they are up to (stop fighting you two, don’t make me come up there, I mean it this time)! For those with kids, you already know exactly what I am talking about.

Adding a kitchen island can help! When starting the thought process for kitchen remodeling and a new kitchen design, a kitchen island might just be the difference between a happy life and constant strife. Not sure what we mean? Here are 3 simple ways a kitchen island “works” to keep (or restore) the sanity in your home (note: this also works for visiting grandchildren and in some cases, adult children):

“Home” work at the kitchen island

The safety net reason. School has started up for many, or is about to start up. Kids come home and they need help with their homework…their studying…everything. You may design a kitchen island with seating for up to 4 so there is plenty of room. Even if there is only room for one at the kitchen island, another kid is at the kitchen table. Maybe you need to separate them any way (more on that below). Adding a kitchen island adds landing space for all sorts of “home” work…and connecting with your kids after a day at school. Making sure they get a healthy snack, going over the nights’ activity schedule and getting that head start on their school work. All within an arms’ reach of you and a voice away when they need your help.

“Team” work at the island

The adventurous reason. From helping with meals to experimenting with new recipes…to a little fun Iron Chef or Cupcake Wars style competition, baking at the kitchen island brings the kids and everyone together. Nothing can inspire teamwork, or in some cases a little friendly competition, then cooking. From the pride of helping prepare a family meal to concocting a special dessert or creation from a set list of ingredients, the kitchen island can serve as the culinary work bench for you and your kids.

“Case” work at the kitchen island

The judicial reason. In times of crisis, the kitchen island can serve as a useful barrier for keeping the kids apart. A de facto people’s court, where you as a parent can preside over the arguments, cases and “he said, she said” battles. While we would not recommend a gavel, you typically should have a nice hard surface to pound on to keep order in the court. With a child on each side and you looking on from the end, you can hear each plead their case, make your decision and serve justice (and snacks...juice boxes anyone?) as needed. And if sentencing includes cleaning the dishes, they’re just one step away…

Never a deserted island, the kitchen island is one place where you will never feel alone. Even without kids, the kitchen island is a gathering place for you, family members and friends. Add kids in the mix and the work you put in doling out justice, homing in on time together and cooking up a storm can bring peace, love...and maybe some treats compliments of your own “desserted” island.


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