It’s election day. The time to get out and vote on the candidates and issues affecting your community, your state and beyond that in some years. Making choices is what voting and freedom is all about and is something we do every day on things big and small. And while we know all too well what a political ballot looks like, what about the personal ballot we are constantly reviewing throughout the year, the one where we are deciding on a home remodeling project?
The reasons could be many. Maybe a space is outdated. Maybe you want more room or are getting a home ready for sale. Your goal could be to “stay in place” and modify a home to accommodate the changes that come with it. While everyone’s personal ballot looks different, it often comes down to 2 home project candidates: kitchen remodeling and bathroom remodeling. A kitchen that needs an update. A bathroom that needs a renovation. Let’s take a look at these “candidates” and what they have to offer:
Kitchen Remodeling – always the popular, polarizing figure, kitchen remodeling is constantly demanding attention because it is the room we tend to spend the most of our waking time in day in and day out. It makes its’ issues clear – why deal with a small or outdated kitchen with piecemeal appliances and the occasional broken drawer or hinge. A vote for Kitchen Remodeling is a vote for a better way of living in the kitchen that will bring greater joy to your day and time in the kitchen.
Bathroom Remodeling – while not quite offering as much time spent in as the kitchen, bathroom remodeling starts and ends many days and therefore is a key figure in your health and well-being. Bathroom remodeling offers the opportunity to create that get away space to help you rejuvenate, relax and ready yourself for the day or night ahead! A vote for Bathroom Remodeling is a vote for accommodating your more personal needs in a space that helps you prepare and recover from whatever life throws at you.
These really are two legitimate candidates. According to a recent findings from Angie’s List, Kitchen Remodeling (85%) and Bathroom Remodeling (80%) offer the top returns on investment for home remodeling projects, besting or neck and neck with new siding, decks and replacement windows projects that round out the top five in their study.
So, the voting doesn’t end with just a trip to the polls. After exercising your freedom and right to vote publicly, take out that personal ballot and make another choice. The good news is that when the choice is kitchen remodeling or bathroom remodeling, it’s just about a “can’t lose” situation!
By Jim Grace