Induction, duction what’s your (cooking) function?

JennAir Induction Cooktop

Induction Cooking offers faster, more energy efficient cooking.

The hottest trend in in cooking today is induction cooking. As technology continues to improve and costs come down, more and more people are discovering this form of cooking.

So why are more people turning to induction cooking? Here are 5 things you should know:

• Offers performance comparable to gas cooking appliances

• Faster, more energy efficient cooking due to direct heat transfer

• Safer cooking as pans heat up but not surface

• Requires direct contact with pan

• Requires cast iron or stainless steel pans for proper induction

Safety, speed and efficiency may be all the reasons you need, or perhaps it is finding an alternative to gas cooking… to give induction cooking consideration in your kitchen.

This post was developed using content from the article “Cooking Appliances Serve up a Menu of Options” by KJ Fields, Qualified Remodeler Magazine /, July 2013.


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